Saturday, 27 June 2009

From school bag to six pack!!

Before After

When ever i look at myself in the mirror,the first thing which i ask myself is 'have i become fat??'...its kind of weird because there was a period in my life were i never cared abt my weight..that was the time when i was abt 75kgs..and looked like a walking milk truck :)...well after the 7 month training period in infy i reduced almost 10 kgs and came down to was largely due to lack of good food(or rather food of my choice...people who liked chicken usually had a ball during the lunch hours !!) and lots of walking(anybody who trained in mysore infy would know how much walking we had to do in a day :)).
Now in just a matter of 4 weeks in chennai..ive put on 5 kgs..i was terrified when i last got on the weighing machine...i guess once u reduce so much..its really heart breaking to see the needle of the weighing machine swing to the 'you are fat' end of the display!..thus 'enter my new hobby "Body building" ':P .
Ive started going to the gym and in the past 2 weeks ive done quite a lot( though i dont see a big differrence when i look into the mirror) of exercise.
I walk into the gym like a 21 year old and walk out like 65 year old!!!!..guess my muscles have rusted so much that excersise removes every cc of oxygen from it,but better late then never i guess..hopefully inba few more days..everything will become fine and my body will start to behave normally again

1 comment:

  1. Welcome to blogosphere...
    Quite a candid confession of ur school bag times...and nice to know that u r aspiring for a six pack. As per me, blogging and exercising have a striking similarity..It takes a lot to pursue them initially but once u cross the first few months, u will begin to enjoy them like none other..Good luck..and keep posting..
