Saturday, 27 June 2009

Adventures at CCD!!!

Cafe Coffee Day
I am not coffee crazy..i am the sort of a guy who needs a coffee per day and not more than that...its amazing how "a coffee a day can keep the head ache away"!!..well atleast in my case its cent percent true.
CCD has been a life saver during the training days at infy...i was never 'Mr Perfect' the guy who would complete all his work in time and still had lots of time to enjoy..well it was the other way around for me..i had to slog day in and day out during training and sometimes wouldnt even have time for a regular dinner 12 in the night the only place which would be open in the campus was CCD..and i used to just love their 'Spinach and corn sandwitch'...its largely due to these sandwitches that i manage to survive that phase in infy!!.
My affair with CCD also thought me another thing..tolerance to stale food!!!!..i know it sounds kind of gross..but the CCD inventory was filled once in 2 days depending upon the sale on that if nobody had bought any sandwitches..and ur luck faield u that day..u would probably get a sandwitch which would be a day and a half if u convert a day and a half in "human years" into "sandwitch years"..its like an year old sandwitch :P.The guy serving would tactfully microwave the sandwitch for that u wouldnt get any smell from it...but this dint last for long..once the heat was gone the sandwitch would emit a pungent smell..well,. which would make it very hard to eat,to say the least.
A soldier has to march on ,what ever the conditions maybe(besides there was no food for atleast 8 more hrs) so i would simply gobble up my sandwitch and proceed to continue woth more slogging.
Iam Gratefull for those sandwitches and Black Current Shake..they kept me alive and gave me enough strength to keep going..ill just end this with a 1 liner about ccd sandwitches...
even though stale they never made me pale!!

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