It was sunedai..the day of the sun..(well then 'every day is a sunday' in chennai :P ),after going to the gym in the morning (those 6 pack abs are still far far away :()followed by 'sunday special meals'(mom's kitchen!!),i was lying on the sofa stretching myself,intoxicated with food,gravity was acting heavily on my eyelids..they were pleading me to let go and relieve them of their pain,i was yielding to their will..i was sailing smoothly into deep slumber..i was almost on the escalator to heaven when the phone rang :(...the mobile phone is undoubtedly one of the greatest things man has ever created..but sometimes these great things can be a real pain on the a**,i got up and answered the call and guess what, it was from Airtel customer care!,the woman on the line asked me if i was satisfied with their service!!!!!!,i was so furious that i told her "i was...until this minute" and i hung up!,i tried closing my eyes after that but for some reason i could never sleep again,i guess once u disturb the natural flow of things, its hard to bring them back!.I started watching tv when the phone rang again,'right,shes asking for it now' i thought..with a mad rage i just jumped and picked up the phone and was about to howl when i heard a familiar voice!,it was my cousin "R....",she was going out with her family and asked me if i would like to join her,i had no plans for the day nad immediately said yes,we decided that we would go to 'City Center'(its a mall) and then to the beach(marina ,i dont know wether its the second longest beach in the world..but it sure is one of the dirtiest :p).
We reached 'City Center' at around 3.30pm, we were just walking through all the big branded shops there,its fun to walk around these huge malls ,but you would be burning a huge hole in ur pocket if u buy anything there :P.So after about an hour of window shopping it was time to go to the beach!!.
Its been a very long time since i had gone to the beach..the last time i went was before the tsunami(had a super time playing cricket with my cousins) but when i looked at the beach i was kind of shocked..the beach looked like it had been reduced to almost half its original size...as i was gently strolling through the beach..i was thinking about all the people who were swallowed by the sea..which was now gently kissing my legs..i was distracted by my cousin..who was by then comfortably seated on a plastic chair with a platefull of hot bajji!!.
There are a few pleasures in life which come at a very low price..and one such pleasure is eating a hot 'molagai bajji'(chilli) in the beach.A nice big bite from the bajji and a big swig of sea breeze...its a 'chemical' reaction which creates pure magic!!.After chomping down a few more bajjis..it was time to move on to the 'masala kadalai'(cooked ground nuts with carrot ,onnion ,tomatoe and spices) stall!!..though i like eating this...iam not a specific fan of 'masala kadalai'..but i know for a fact that there are a few people in my part of the world who would pay anything to have this in the beach!!!.We had a round of ice cream after that and then decided to call it a day.
The waves teach us a very valuable lesson.They push hard just to reach the shore..each time they dissolve only to come back stronger and harder.